Agricultural Income & Budgetary Issues

The Greek National Statistics Services (NSS) informs periodically the Ministry of Rural Development and Food about the evolution of the basic economic aggregates as the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), the Gross Fixed Capital Formation (Public and Private), the employment in agriculture, etc. Also our Ministry monitors the results of two main Census of NSS: a) Census of Agriculture and Livestock b) Farm Structural Survey.
Our Ministry through the National Statistic Services and particular the department of National Accounts attends the evolution of Agricultural Income in Greece and in other Member States of EU. The Agricultural Income is one of the most important economic aggregates attended by the National Statistics Services of Greece. It is calculated, along with the main income indicators (A,B and C), according to the methodology of the national accounts ESA 95. As agricultural income is defined the income generated by agricultural activities over a given accounting period, even though in certain cases the corresponding revenues will not be revised until a later date. It does not therefore constitute the income effectively itself. Moreover it is not indicator of total income or of the disposable income of the farming holdings, since they often receive income from other sources (non- agricultural activities, salaries, social benefits, income from property).
According to Reg.1290/2005 for the financing of CAP, including Rural Development, there are two Funds established inside the European Budget:
- The European Agricultural Guarantee Fund (EAGF)
- The European Agricultural Rural Development Fund (EARDF)
The EAGF finances expenditure concerning the agricultural markets, that is refunds on exports, interventions on markets, direct payments and also central payments made by Commission for the promotion of agricultural products, veterinary actions, fisheries, etc.
The EARDF finances programs of Rural Development.
The expenditure of Member States from 16 October 2006 on is financed from these two Funds.
The unit of Income and Financing Policy has the responsibility of participating in the Funds Committee's meetings, which helps European Commission in its work. Also the Paying Agency (OPEKEPE) participates. Topics discussed are consultation on financing of the MS for the following month, consultation on clearance of accounts, vote on projects of Commission's regulations, etc.
AGRIFIN is a working group of the Council which deals with financial aspects related to agricultural policy, such as financial implications of the measures to be decided, Early Warning System, reports of the European Court of Auditors, etc. President of the AGRIFIN group's meetings is representative of the Member State, which has the presidency of the EU. The results of the meetings are announced to COREPER.
Financial Perspectives for 2007 - 2013 |
Financial Perspectives for 2007 - 2013 (follow up) |